Thursday, August 4, 2011

TEAM iLLUMINATE (Hollywood Aug.2nd 2011) - America's Got Talent

"May I ask a personal favor..... If you know someone who fought cancer & won, or fought cancer & died, or someone who is still fighting, please add this to your status for 1 hour as a mark of respect & in remembrance"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mobile Input and regular posts coming...

I am certain LavaLamps will never go out of style...unlike technology gadgets that are nearly antiquated in 3 months.

This writing comes from the place where I have once again taken a chance on new technology.  I got a foldable freedom key board.  Its full size with a stand and Bluetooth connectivity.   Should make taking a time out to write or post a snap. 

I don't know if I made this investment too soon. That's the thing, we are such consumers we never seem to bother to get full use out of any products.   Just a fricken waste.

I guess that's all for now.  A picture and updates to follow.  Write on ....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Political BS abounds. I just opened up the mailbox and low and behold, I had about 12 different propaganda cards. What a colosal bit of waste. How can these politicians justify spending so much money on such destructive and annoying ploys.

Of course they always spend their own money and they come from money. What do they know about really being in the trenches at the hands of our current politicians. All I can see besides the waste through these cards, are smear campaingns making their logic flawed. They smear competition and then expect us to think they are good people....

Anyway, more to post later. I have a couple of things in the works. Unfortunaely, it isn't likely PG rated, so I am going to have to makes some changes or start another blog where I can really share the plain truth about real shit that real people go through every 'f'ing day...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Jolly Good Grief Green Growers!

Did you see the Register Guard report on the medicinal marajujauna growers, the good ones and the bad ones, and the problems with an agency that has not the resources it needs to follow up with calls about those card holder growers that are up to no good.

I don't give a good GD if they sell their extra grow to people that have cards and can pay a stipend to help with supplies for the medicine they need. If a patient smoke more then two ounces from their plants and they wish to abuse the green, that is there business. IT is THE GROWERS THAT DON'T GIVE THE MEDICINE OWED TO THEIR PATIENTS, SELL IT AND POCKET THE PROFITS. Those are the SOBs that deserve to be turned in and not allowed to be growers. Of that I am certain.

What we need it to do is to work together as growers to get the bad growers out and the legal and ethical growers to stay and collaboratively grow through Co-operative farming. More to follow on this ongoing 'in the news, topic.' I am OMMP friendly and will be working to find a solution with other like minded people that believe the law serves some other purpose then to be broken.

What about a set of Growers Ethics? What abot a system where when a violation of patients rights occur, the peer pressure is unbearable. What about ???? Age limits of growers, past history of trouble withe the law. Get the picture. A mission statement. There is much work to be done. If you have an interest in this topic, then damnit, do something positive about it. I will give you more ideas on what you can do later. Later dudes. Ali